In alliance with FUNDACION HERENCIA AMBIENTAL CARIBE and Carlos Castaño-Uribe
Enclaved, between the thicket of the Colombian Amazonian center, is the Chiribiquete mountain range. This mountain range is the millenary relic of the echoes of time and ancestral wisdom. There, in the midst of one of the biodiversity and unique species of several juxtaposed ecosystems, the pictorial history of time appears, which is expressed in an enormous number of murals made by the spiritual guides of the aboriginal hunters, gatherers and warriors of this region.
There is an urgent need to safeguard this mountain range, this park and this site, also declared a World Heritage site from its exceptional natural and cultural condition.
This site is currently undergoing deforestation, resource extraction and undue visitation pressures that will end up affecting its natural essence and heritage content. The solidarity and joint effort to defend this place is essential and immediate.
This handkerchief is a symbol of that relic, a distinctive of those who join its custody as Guardians of Chiribiquete.
With your donation, you contribute to its defense. We already started!
We want to use 100% of the funds collected to promote education, training and leadership programs for Guardians of Chiribiquete youth and children in neighboring areas (Guaviare and Caquetá)
Thank you once again to all who, by acquiring this scarf, are also becoming #GuardianesDeChiribiquete